Painting Pictures

Painting Pictures
Just Another Newbie Who Welcome Criticism

Monday, August 10, 2009

August Opening

For text and more pictures, click here.


Ydiana said...

Hi Shah

Brilliant pictures! I especially like the titles. :)

cakapaje said...

Salam Ydiana,

Thank you. Hmm...but that would also mean the titles are better the pictures! Woe me... :)

CelloTape said...


Errr...back to old format eh? hahahaha

However...suka tengok the sun...Cunh!

cakapaje said...

W'salam Cello,

Huh? Sun je yang cun? Lor...den tak cun ke? :)

Thanks Cello.

Unknown said...

Fantastic pictures, you are going places man.

cakapaje said...

Salam Cikgu,

Thank you. But I still have lots to learn though.

Ydiana said...

Salam Shah

Ok laaa... The titles are equally as good as the picture. Howzat! :)

(..bagi you happy skit, bleh?)

aN_archi said...

My pick is Golden Dragon.

Apa Kau Nak said...

Here goes my faves....

1.An Empty Bench
2. Are You Going My Way?
3. LikeUnlike
5. Golden Dragon
6. High Tea
7. Not a cloud

and the kinf of my faveret kali ini ialah Not a Cloud...! Bravo!!!

cakapaje said...

W'salam ydiana,

Hehe, thank you :)

cakapaje said...

Salam aN_archi,

Hmm...very good pick there, thank you :)

cakapaje said...

Salam Intan,

Wow, I'm flattered that you like more than 3! Thank you :)